Monday, December 29, 2008

Its the most wonderful time of the year!!

AMEN to that!
I absolutely love and cherish the holiday season. It brings out so many wonderful feelings and emotions, I mean, just real, deep down inner warmth and happiness.
As with this time of year comes very special days as mentioned before...birthdays to be exact! While some have already been covered (i.e., mom and lou) others get shuffled in the xmas chaos.
However, being a very BIG Birthday enthusiast, I'm very happy to send very special belated birthday hugs and kisses to none other than our dear Jeanette, Omar, and to the little monkeys who continually steal pieces of my heart, Logan and Tyler.

Life is bonkers, or as Gwen, so lady-like phrases it, "this shit is bananas", so while the christmas season creeps up a little sooner every year, it seems like these other birthday celebrations get tossed aside. Well never fear kiddos, as long as I have my horrible choir voice, you'll be receiving special birthday wishes alongside my traditional "Happy Birthday to you", "For he/she is a jolly good fellow", topped off with a little "May the dear Lord bless you" birthday please don't be embarrassed, just embrace the love ;)

Another little shot out to our dear Baby Jesus for being born and for making all things possible each and every holiday season. Also, a BIG Thank You to all my loved ones for all the wonderful moments we've shared throughout this year and during this special time...looking forward to many more in 2009!

Join me in saying good-bye to a fabulous 2008 by sharing your top 10 reasons why it rocked!
10. I got hitched!
9. Honeymooned in Cabo!
8. Had the hubs move in with the folks...
7. And so far, they've behaved.
6. Steered clear from hurricanes...phew!
5. Rallied with the republicans...
4. And lost to a democrat!
3. Made it to 27!
2. Watched Logi turn 5!
1. All while learning to blog :)

Hope your holidays rock on!

Monday, December 15, 2008

30 is the new 20...

Ha! Tell that to a newly aged 30 year old like my dear brother...the old geezer finally hit the great milestone on December 7. I don't know that I was mentally prepared for this number since I'm just a measly 3 years behind him...however, the BIG 3-0 crept up on him faster than I (and he) thought and while I couldn't spend the day with him (which was sad too, considering I've spent all others with him) we made up for it as best as we could.


For the past 27 years of my life, I've had countless headaches and heartaches, rages of anger and frustration, bitterness, animosity and numerous fights (both verbal and a much younger age of course) with none other than my sibling.
Now that we've sort of grown up, I realize that without my brother I'd be one boring ass kid. I can't imagine my life without my goofy yet incredibly intelligent older brother. He's the one guy I can't stay mad at because even when he's wrong, he's right...somehow, he is always right and while it drives me insane, I know deep down inside, he truly is right and always means well.
Despite the many years I hated him for being so darn conniving, I realize now just how admirable his other traits can be. I mean, just when I thought, a little road rash made him tougher, it was the birth of his son that made him weak in the knees and while he's big and strong and very handsome for a brother, he's just that...he's my brother.
My true "other half", my best friend.

I hope this year brings even more joy and knowledge into your life. I love you with all my heart!

Happy Birthday Lou!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Mother, My Hero...

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday. I'd reveal how many years old she turned but women are pretty reserved about their age. What I can tell you is how wonderful it feels to have such an amazing woman in my life. Yeah, she drives me crazy sometimes...actually alot of times...but without her wacky ways, I'd have no real direction in my own life.
She is by far the most kind-hearted, thoughtful and most selfless person I know. She is in fact the wonderful soul I've ever met and I'm forever grateful to call her my Mom.
Sometimes, we're at each other's throats, but its those moments that make me appreciate her even more. So a BIG THANKS to my dear God for giving her to us.
Happy Birthday Mami!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Home sweet home...

I know, I know...I have ALOT of explaining to do since I've missed several postings (more like close to a month's worth, lol) but in my defense I was out of commision for a good 3 weeks since my computer was being debugged (thanks to the J man for that, he rocks!) and when I finally got it back, I was busy getting my holiday spirit to a start!
Its been well worth the wait though and I promise there are SO many pictures to share. After all, its been an explosion of birthdays (including mine ::insert smiley face here::) and other fabulous events such as Thanksgiving and my way too short trip to the BIG APPLE!...gosh how I love that place!
Anyhow, tonight I've gotta dedicate some time to the hubs, but I promise some fun clips come tomorrow.
Ta-ta for now!

Monday, November 10, 2008


OMFG, I cannot believe this has happened to me! I'm officially a Gossip Girl whore and I like it!
So lets talk about the fact that I'm not 17, not in highschool and definitely not filthy stinkin' rich but I still LOVE this show. Its kinda sick...and sad, I know.
I made it clear to Lex that Mondays are pretty much as sacred as Thursdays since I began watching it this season. Between the extravagant wardrobes and racy porn-esque scenes, this phenomenon has got me hooked! He is totally right though, I am an old loser whose addicted to a T.V. show targeted at teeny bopper kids, featuring hot young boys and backstabbing bitches, but its entertainment as its finest--I can't help it!
I just wish I'd had Tivo last season...oh well, looks like I'll have lots of catching up to do!

XOXO, Gossip Girl
P.S. Need it, love it, gotta have the top below!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Hard Day's Work!

Well not exactly today but in his defense, My Hubs, works VERY hard and to top it off, he now has a second job!....I know, what can I say, he REALLY loves me!
After such a crazy and exhausting work week, the poor guy had a non-stop, fun-filled weekend in honor of his little cousin's birthday.
We started off by celebrating out at The Pub on Saturday night and continued the festivities earlier today at The Rompher home for a very nice afternoon just hanging out and having some good old fashioned fun including some Dolphins football and a Guitar Hero Marathon.
So as the sun punched out for the day and the evening air crept upon us, we headed home. We had a light dinner and then it was lights out for my old guy....on behalf of Lex and myself, Happy Birthday Jav! Hope you had a great time!

Friday, November 7, 2008

My little Kary...

She's probably my biggest fan and the sweetest little girl I know...she is my gorgeous goddaughter and today I had the privilege of spending quality time with her.
When Lex and I began dating, Kary wasn't even born so when her parents asked us both to be the Godparents of their second baby girl, we were honored and thrilled. For me, it was even more of an honor to have them choose me as not only an important part of her life but to be an even bigger part of their family.
As she just turned 10 years old, I'm amazed at how quickly time has passed us by, but even more amazed at seeing her become such a beautiful and special little girl. She is witty and funny and has a heart of gold--and I couldn't have asked for a better responsibility at the age of 17 when we baptized her.
While this little acclamation is dedicated to the first of my Godchildren, I pray I am as good a guardian to the rest of my little monsters--because without them, my life would be pretty insignificant. Thank you to the parents that trusted their hearts in choosing me to watch over their little angels too! I promise to always love and spoil them as much as possible :)
P.S. I know I missed a post yesterday but I'm making up for it by posting more than one pic so give me some credit, lol!...enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hangin' Tough :(

When I was a kid I was totally and obsessively in love with the then boy group "New Kids On The Block" (or as more commonly referred to NKOTB).
So a few months ago when I heard they were back, better and sexier than before, my little heart pitter pattered and while their big return to the scene was no biggie for some, for me it was HUGE!
My two faves were Joey and Donnie and I while I loved them both, I secretly prayed to God I'd marry Joey since he was more "my type" 7 years old, lol!
Well fast forward 15 years later to an amazing comeback and nationwide tour and the New Kids are in South Florida...for a concert in Miami...which I do not attend :(
For weeks I was trying to figure out who in the heck I could go with, since as cool as I think I am, I refused to go by myself even though Lex offered to by my ticket. My girlfriends, although fans, refused to pay the $80+ for the ticket so on Saturday night, I stayed home and cried my eyes out...ok so maybe I didn't cry but I was pretty bummed about it.
So today, a few days after the concert, where I'm kinda over it, but not exactly--I'm talking to my dear friend Joli where she happens to mention how she went to the concert this past Saturday!!!!!!!!
Well you can just imagine how the rest of the conversation went and needless to say,
I'm pretty bummed, yet again.
On a lighter note, she was kind enough to send me the pics of the concert I missed this Saturday of my all time favorite boy bad ever....I swear, I'm not mad :/

I heart you boys!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a day it was...

I was off to run my errands for the day when I decided I wanted to pull out my winter clothes and reorganize my unorganized closet.
This is a pretty big issue for me since I'm a fairly organized person and I happen to love my modest, I know :)
However, my hubby, who is sweet as pie, promised to build me a SATC Carrie inspired closet and while I've been patiently waiting, I truly can't take it anymore. So just about every other day I move stuff around and make space for the new stuff I sneak in from him but I think it has finally caught up to me and I'm desperate for a solution. So what started off as a very fun project turned out to be quite the disaster, especially since Lex wasn't even home to help me out. Don't get me wrong, I love looking through all my clothes and finding new and unworn stuff, its almost like a shopping spree in my own closet, but when I can't find what I'm looking for when I need it, I'm one angry fashionista!

Here's a peak at the disaster for now until I can one day reveal a real boudoir!

As promised...

Finally some pics!
I was so excited I had voted after so many hours of waiting that the poll worker gave me not one, but 2 stickers!

Thank God for such a wonderful support system because had I been there alone, I'd have been a very miserable and grumpy little person. So thanks to my amazing family! Those who vote together, stay together.

As for the wedding shot below, well I decided to throw that one in there for memories sake. On May 2, 2008, only 6 little months ago, baby and I finally got married! Thanks for making it one of the happiest days in my life sweetie!

Stay tuned as I still have the rest of the day to come up with my Day 3 post ;)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 2...

Well considering I'm running on such few hours of sleep, I'm keeping this one short...well sort of.

See, today was a pretty crazy day, Lex started his new job, I went about registering for school (once again, yay!) and someone tried to break into our house earlier this morning, no biggie, right?...wrong!
Yep, you read right, we had a minor incident at home and it was downright scary! We called the cops and within minutes they arrived and began the search for clues. They called it the case of the cat burglar, some guy who roams around searching for easy access into homes. Apparently he's a nice guy considering he's caused no physical harm to people just scares the bejesus out of them.
It was so surreal though, I mean I had the CSI guys in my house and it was so not as cool as on T.V., no special effects, no husky sounding detective, just one very eerie feeling and I'm so glad its over.
Now, I know you are wondering about the pics but leave it to my mom to clean up even after the cops, much for evidence and finger prints!

P.S. Remember tomorrow is Election Day so get out there and VOTE!!

P.S.S. As for the pics, still on hold :(
Promise to make it up to you!...sheesh, this is going to be harder than I thought!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 1 and counting....

Hi there and welcome to my first blog! Today marks the beginning of my very first entry as you can see it is appropriately titled, Day 1 and counting.
So I guess I should introduce myself, even if all those who read this actually know me...oh well, here I go!

Dear Blogger, its me Melissa!
I'm the latest addition to your blogging phenomenon and have ALOT to say...
I'm at the verge of a late 20's crisis as I'm close to hitting the 27 year mark- yep only 12 days before my birthday, woohoo!
I recently joined the world of marital bliss and I'm loving it so far.
I'm currently in between careers (if that's a better way of phrasing when you're unemployed).
I'm still working on my degree but hope to finish within the next year...fingers crossed!
Soon enough you will learn that I have many loves in my life (and I don't mean men). They sometimes get the best of me but when I put my heart and soul in them, I succeed at every least my husband is sweet enough to tell me that, so I'll make him proud and put one of them to good use by creating this little intro.

I've decided to make a commitment and capture my life for the next 365 days. The reason behind this crafty experiment came from another blog I occasionally follow, where the idea is to capture a photo of yourself (in my case, my life) everyday, for one year!! Yep, I know that seems like alot but if I were to sum up all the pictures I take on the regular, I'd be covered for decades!
I chose today as the start of my timeline for 2 very important reasons. First one being our 6 month post-wedding mark. I just can't believe its been 6 months already! Fortunately they've been very happy so far and I look forward to so many more with my wonderful hubby. He is truly heaven sent and I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime. I love you baby!
The second reason for today was for the awesome experience of our first family voting day. My family and I headed to the polls earlier today to vote for our beliefs. It took us 6 hours under the rain to get our ballots recorded but it was worth every minute of the wait. As we all know this is a very crucial time for America and we owe it to her for keeping us free so while I reserve my political views, I will say one thing...VOTE, for whatever it is you are fighting for.

Ta-da, thats it! I finally did first entry. I feel so accomplished already!
Stay tuned for the rest of my 365 as the countdown continues.
Who knows, you just may become a bit more interested in little 'ol me :)

P.S. As for my picture, I know, it seems as if I'm starting off on the wrong foot but please bare with me since my computer is so slooow. I promise I will have some pics come tomorrow.