Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 1 and counting....

Hi there and welcome to my first blog! Today marks the beginning of my very first entry as you can see it is appropriately titled, Day 1 and counting.
So I guess I should introduce myself, even if all those who read this actually know me...oh well, here I go!

Dear Blogger, its me Melissa!
I'm the latest addition to your blogging phenomenon and have ALOT to say...
I'm at the verge of a late 20's crisis as I'm close to hitting the 27 year mark- yep only 12 days before my birthday, woohoo!
I recently joined the world of marital bliss and I'm loving it so far.
I'm currently in between careers (if that's a better way of phrasing when you're unemployed).
I'm still working on my degree but hope to finish within the next year...fingers crossed!
Soon enough you will learn that I have many loves in my life (and I don't mean men). They sometimes get the best of me but when I put my heart and soul in them, I succeed at every least my husband is sweet enough to tell me that, so I'll make him proud and put one of them to good use by creating this little intro.

I've decided to make a commitment and capture my life for the next 365 days. The reason behind this crafty experiment came from another blog I occasionally follow, where the idea is to capture a photo of yourself (in my case, my life) everyday, for one year!! Yep, I know that seems like alot but if I were to sum up all the pictures I take on the regular, I'd be covered for decades!
I chose today as the start of my timeline for 2 very important reasons. First one being our 6 month post-wedding mark. I just can't believe its been 6 months already! Fortunately they've been very happy so far and I look forward to so many more with my wonderful hubby. He is truly heaven sent and I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime. I love you baby!
The second reason for today was for the awesome experience of our first family voting day. My family and I headed to the polls earlier today to vote for our beliefs. It took us 6 hours under the rain to get our ballots recorded but it was worth every minute of the wait. As we all know this is a very crucial time for America and we owe it to her for keeping us free so while I reserve my political views, I will say one thing...VOTE, for whatever it is you are fighting for.

Ta-da, thats it! I finally did first entry. I feel so accomplished already!
Stay tuned for the rest of my 365 as the countdown continues.
Who knows, you just may become a bit more interested in little 'ol me :)

P.S. As for my picture, I know, it seems as if I'm starting off on the wrong foot but please bare with me since my computer is so slooow. I promise I will have some pics come tomorrow.


Sasha said...

Cute reason to start it all off! Now keep the good posts coming... I can't wait until we get closer to the holiday season and people get to see all the goodies you get put together. ;)

Btw.. Congratulations to you and Lexi on your 6 month anniversary!!!

Carla said...

This is such a fantastic idea! And as your friend, this is a great way to know what's going on with you.

Happy belated Anniversary!!!

Can't wait to read more about your adventures!